Pumpkin Custard for Breakfast

pumpkin custard2

Pumpkin is officially in season now! Have you see all the pumpkin products at Trader Joe’s alone?  I’m intrigued by the pumpkin cookie butter, but I haven’t bought any yet.  I stock up on their canned organic pumpkin this time of year though, because it’s always great to have on hand, and not only for pumpkin pie.

I’m trying to get more veggies into all of meals, even breakfast. AND I recently had to have dental work and gum surgery, so soft foods have been a must. 😦

I’ve been enjoying this warm pumpkin custard for breakfasts as well as dessert!  It’s pretty high in protein and low in sugar, so I don’t feel guilty eating it first thing in the morning to start my day.  And since the weather is turning colder, it is such a comforting meal to warm you up!


Pumpkin Custard

1/2 cup canned pumpkin puree

1 egg

3 tablespoons liquid egg whites or one egg white

1 tablespoon milk

Stevia or other sweetener

1/4 teaspoon of vanilla

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

dash of pumpkin spice

Non-stick spray

  1.  Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Spray a large ramekin or bowl or two small ramekins with non-stick spray.  Pour custard in taking care to leave about 1/2 ” space at the top.
  3. Microwave in 30 second intervals until cooked. Depending on your microwave and whether you cook the custard in two ramekins or one, it should take about 90 seconds – 2 1/2 minutes.




Filed under Breakfast, Gluten Free, Vegetarian

11 responses to “Pumpkin Custard for Breakfast

  1. Sorry to hear about your dental work…heal quickly…at least you can enjoy the custard!

  2. Ooh, this sounds amazing! I just bought a can of pumpkin… somehow I had run out, even though I stocked up last year!

  3. Yum, I just bought canned pumpkin at Target. Going to make this right now! 🙂

  4. I love various vegetable and fruits puree:) and this custard looks nice and tasty!

  5. Hey there! I just nominated you the Lovely Blog Award. Check out my post and you being nominated 🙂

  6. Wow this looks delicious, this time of year pumpkin is my favorite and there are so many ways to serve it!
    Great Recipe!
    Love Katie ?

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